Gang Stalking for Journalists: Teri Webster gets gang stalked in Texas

A mother, loses a son, and so, I am re-opening the case of Tanner Barton, who died under suspicious circumstances, as follows, from Teri Webster of the Dallas Morning News:

Most people probably cannot fathom how online trolls or people on apparent power trips* could savagely attack Barton and other grieving families, but what these victims have experienced has a name. It’s called “gangstalking”: harassment that centers on a group effort to surveil, attack, discredit, and silence a target, sometimes to the point of destroying his or her life.

When Barton spoke out on Facebook and Twitter about her son’s death, she found something that surprised her. Other families came forward and told her they have experienced the same types of attacks. They, too, were stalked and discredited for disagreeing with the official theories and conclusions of police and other experts.

Some of the disputes and quests for truth have raged on for years, even decades. Barton and another woman seeking answers in the deaths of their family members were hit with protective orders for comments they wrote on social media. Court papers related to their cases listed no examples of severe, violent threats. Another associate of Barton’s claims she was harassed so relentlessly over her daughter’s death she had to move out of state.

But who are the real gangstalkers here? That depends on which side you ask….

….follow the links, connect the dots in a story entitled “ Gang Stalking” in the Fort Worth Weekly

*As predicted by ROGS Analysis, nearly 100% of gang stalkers in this case are current and former police, investigators, cold case specialists, and quite nefariously, people affiliated with the coroners office, allied with their legions of online bullies and harassers. This pattern repeats in nearly 100% of all gang stalking case studies too.

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