Gang stalking lawsuits: Everton Brown seeks relief from the wrong party, later goes on shooting rampage. The gang stalking program seems to drive people crazy

Everton Brown tried for many years to end his “community sponsored gang stalking,” and failing that, he went ballistic, and killed a few noisy neighbors who “liked to sing kaoraoke on Saturday’s” and worked on their house all the time.

Examining the claims that “the gang stalkers will move in next door to you,” and “wage a noise harassment campaign,” in context to a mass shooting: main stream news is now adopting the ROGS Analysis of gang stalking cases, and some are asking “Crazy or a target?“in the case of Everton Brown, whose very public campaign to end his gang stalking ended badly for a few likely gang stalkers: his very noisy neighbors from Peru. Note that I have had a bit of experience with gangs of stalkers from Peru too.

He sued for relief and lost, and lost again on appeal, for failure to show subject matter jurisdiction, or to properly “name and target” his harassers (Infragard, community policing agents, town home association members, et al.)

If you want to sue gang stalkers, you have to start at the local level, like the Pasco county FL cases, and work your way up, not the other way around. And, try not to make your claim sound so crazy that a judge dismisses it–start by using facts, and naming names, and citing evidence like wireless environment captures from free wireless signal and internet monitoring software programs like Wireshark, and inSSIDer, or “Who Is On My Wifi” that show who is on your internet connection, a frequent occurence with gang stalking situations. And, these programs provide court room worthy evidence too.

Then, other things like hidden cameras, or using dash camera footage, and other photographic evidence of your claims help legitimate law enforcement see that your case is not the type of “fake targeted individual” cases that we see so often online, perpetrated by current and former police, military, intelligence agents and their associates in the “community policing” schemes online.

Mr. Brown did the opposite of collecting solid evidence–and his claim in his filing, while getting at the heart of America’s obscure secret policing methods and legitimately asking for records under FOIA requests, his filing in fact sounds like the rambling of an uninformed individualnot a crazy or delusional person. And the government even acknowledged that some of what Brown sought to discover did indeed exist, but as in most of these bizarre cases, the evidence “could not be located,” which is another way these agencies hide the ball in these cases. Official source gas lighting. So he is clearly swatting at phantoms in his filing, and the filing mentions that exact word.

He also goes on to name the exact groups of people who do this stuff, as documented by ROGS Analysis, and ample evidence that gang stalkers are ALWAYS “the FBI and its agents, the general public, Military and ex-military,” etc. Have a look at the case of the stalking and eventual murder of Ahmaud Arbery to see a gang stalking in action by those EXACT types of people, and also the Pasco county cases, and the infamous case of eBay executives using their “intelligence black ops” wing to harass and stalk a couple of writers too.

Gang stalking is really, really bizarre, and the people who do it are indeed criminals. Here is another link to Brown’s filing:

Then, Everton Brown called 911 some 120 times over several decades, and claimed that the FBI was stalking and harassing him. The problem though, is that while the FBI is very likely to be involved at some level as we see in each and every case of manufactured terrorism and mass shooters, where the after shooting narrative ALWAYS mentions that the FBI was following these guys, , it is not the sole party invested in these bizarre stalkings by far.

Because what gang stalking is is “parallel colliding investigations,” or “intelligence led predictive policing,” in any number of gang stalking programs that pass for “community policing.” These are designed as neverending harassment of people and they are hard to litigate, because they hide behind the catch me if you can police tactic of “police investigation privileged” information, and other loopholes in constitutional law, created by judges to shield criminal police gangs and their associates that utilize “targeted individual programs” in coordination with occulted communty policing tactics, and “intelligence agency led predictive policing” which is derived dirctly from actual spy agencies and their PSYOP related methodology.

Here’s more about Brown seeking relief through “normal” channels:

Woodlawn man who police say fatally shot 3 neighbors called 911 more than 120 times, records show

In these cases, police work covertly to wage dossier driven whisper campaign about the mental health, or police history of the targeted individual, and as the Pasco County cases demonstrate, they explicitly stated that they try to make your life a living hell, until the target” sues or moves away.” Purely psychopathic policing if ever there was such a thing.

And for my money? I am willing to bet that religious proselytization, and domestic violence, or criminal slanders and smears were behind it too. Stay tuned.

Weaponized social movements: from the altRight, to Ford Foundation sponsored BLM, “weaponized women” as honeypots, and “empowerment:” utilizing gang stalking behind noble sounding social goals and slick ad campaigns

Gatekeeping and goal tending are real things in the post-democracy talking points and gang stalking world of the west. And what we see now are gangs of ideologues, usually fueled by police and intelligence agency activity, causing social chaos. Chaos, or Operation CHAOS, it might be recalled, is the signature hallmark of the CIA working domestically to destroy democracy here in America. But also, a hallmark of the Women’s Ku Klux Klan poison squads too.

“the former employee…had been made to act as a honeypot”

Women in the KKK
The women of the Ku Klux Klan, aka WKKK, and especially their “whisper networks” is what propelled that organization into power, much like other “women’s empowerment” movements, and especially the #MeToo movement of today Image source: Wikimedia Commons

Without a doubt, chaos is the order of the day in the USA right now, as we see a country divided. In the Capitol riots, little surprise then that it was primarily white people rioting, and even less surprise that they upper ranks included all of the suspects that ROGS Analysis predicts as “gang stalkers” too: police, off duty police, retired police, firefighters, intelligence agents, and their associates. Just a glance at this USA Today list of arrestees reveals that the ROGS Thesis is correct.

If anyone needs proof that gang stalking is a real thing, just have a look at the predictive model of ROGS Analysis, which holds up across party lines, whether it is Ford Foundation sponsored Black Lives Matter being implicated in the homicides of prominent black, male activists, or the nebulous and morphing categories of the altRight/ Boogaloo/ Militia unspecified; Zionist/AIPAC/ Jewish Organization sponsored, or any of the pseudo-feminist causes withing the “women’s empowerment,”whisper networks, or the ever expanding LGBTQEtc. In each case of organized gang stalking, the gangs of stalkers will fit into the general model, though there is much crossover.

In former incarnations of the intel agency programs waged on the domestic front, the US literally imported Nazi’s, and had them mingling with the highest levels of society, and the KKK, which is much over-rated as a social force, because they were so infiltrated as “controlled assets” of the FBI; and there was the usual “organized crime” activity that was highly interactive with the CIA and FBI too, as we saw in the case of Whitey Bulger, who had the dual honor of having many FBI agents on his payroll, but also that the CIA had used him in Nazi-based and actual mind control programs, zapping him with LSD for a few years straight, long before he became a mass murder.

Related Story: Juror says ‘I would have cleared Whitey Bulger if I had know he was a CIA experimentee.’

And so, in our current era, we see the language and dialectic signatures of actual intelligence agency jargon appearing regularly in mainstream news sources too, words like “murder. suicided, honeypots and assets,” which make it into every news story about our current civil unrest. And, we see that such a dialectic space is ruled over by a new/old thing too: white women who themselves act as poison squads, no different than in the heyday of the KKK.

Here from the early days of the prosecution of Harvey Weinstein, we find his life infiltrated by women who act as “honey traps”:

Was Weinstein involved in more than sleazy Hollywood producer sexual assault? We probably won’t find out, but the last paragraph of the New Yorker article about Weinstein definitely makes one wonder.

“He’s been systematically doing this for a very long time,” the former employee who had been made to act as a “honeypot” told me. She said that she often thinks of something Weinstein whispered—to himself, as far as she could tell—after one of his many shouting sprees at the office. It so unnerved her that she pulled out her iPhone and tapped it into a memo, word for word: “There are things I’ve done that nobody knows.”

And we see powerful white women’s existential angst over Asian women’s beauty in the case of Christine Fang, who is alleged to be a “Chinese Spy,”by right wing media, and spooks, in lurid headlines like:

Christine Fang is believed to have been a Chinese agent reporting back to Beijing

Fang Fang scandal – China could have THOUSANDS of ‘honey trap’ spies bedding Americans for secret, ex-CIA officer warns

That the CIA* is actually seeding the press with such lurid sexual toned gibberish should cause concern for any rational person, but even in the obvious cases, the CIA bleed-over into the domestic space doesn’t seem to bother the current crop of power brokers in our institutions and organizations. Nor does the fact that the FBI/ICE/DEA/DHS monstrosity all take orders from CIA either.

That the word honey trap or honey pot appears in the MSM at all in context to purely domestic news should be appalling to anyone who depends upon facts and evidence, but for some reason, those who on one hand decry negative stereotypes of women, also use women as honeypots to get close to men like Harvey Weinstein, on the other are outraged when non-white women get close to other men. You can’t have your honey and eat it too, unlesss…

Enfranchisement, privilege, disenfranchisement and targeted ideologies all share at their heart the fact that they are financed by someone, somewhere. And as many note, the various NGO’s that hold billions of dollars are allied with CIA and in fact are often created by CIA, or in some cases, they are cross-financed by both CIA and other NGOs.

The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is the umbrella that forms the spokes of the umbrella of NGOs that are currently working against our own democracy. NED is anything but a democratic institution. Founded by Ronald Reagan during the “Moral Majority” Era of hyper-religious fanaticism, each NED backed NGO is actually just a closet proselytizer for far right religions, primarily those that claim they are christian.

But its not that simple because the very western argument is actually about co-option, and narrative control, which has the poor Jews eternally doing the bidding of majoritarian and fascist christians, or, depending on the speaker, you have christians eternally “protecting” their naughty, contrarian Jewish “brethren” in the hopes they will see the light. Regardless, this form of Jewish-christian led version of democracy is anything but. From, we have an analysis of the NED in just that framework.

And as we saw in Hong Kong, these NED funded fanatics only care about getting their version of western religious narrative a foothold in countries that are far more democratic than the US ever was, and as such, reveals the exact Hegelian dialectic that has been implicated in nearly ALL gang stalking cases.But where is the evidence that this is so?

the Democratic Party’s National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) and the Republican Party’s International Republican Institute (IRI), both in charge of colluding with left and right local parties and movements, respectively. All getting their funding from the same purse

The history of cooperation between the the various US domestic secret police-CIA and FBI, DEA, etc.,in undermining American democracy is everywhere you look, going back to the post-OSS days. Here we see CIA-FBI cooperating in stalking John Lennon.

Here we see brief sputterinsg from organizations like the American Civil Liberties Union addressing it, but also consistently refusing to assist non-Muslim, and non-Jewish targeted individuals, and the LA Times bringing forward data about how it isn’t just the CIA, its actually 17 different agencies operating in the domestic arena, and hence the description of their “parallel investigations,” and “parallel prosecutions,” lending merit to the claim of “gangs of police.”

And here is America’s oldest magazine franchise, the Nation, noting that the scourge of private contractors empowered by the malfeasance of our fake war on terror has created a “shadow NSA,” beyond the reach of the law, because they simply pass the data along, one agency to the next in a grand hide the ball and move the goal posts scheme of subverting our democracy.

Regardless of where you look though, all of this has a common theme:it has revealed America as a fascist nation, ruled by secret courts, secret interpretations of law, and secret police of all kinds.And, their gangs, many of whom work directly with, and for “retired” CIA/NSA/etc,

*ROGS Analysis predicts that retired intelligence agents, police, and security contractirs are who gag stalkers are, and gang stalking is what they do. In intelligence jargon they call it “going over to the dark side.” They are what modern manufactured terrorism IS.