Victimology and gang stalking: exploring narrative distortion in the dialectic

Victimology rules our narrative spaces both online and off. Are Palestinian people victims, or terrorist aggressors in the Gaza strip? Are black people to be suspects, while white people are seen as law abiding citizens at all times? Do women who batter men become victims when men fight back?

Related Story: Read “The Dangerous Racialization of Crime In US News Media

The problem with victimology lies in the fact that it is narrated by policy, procedure, and institutional gate keepers of narratives, who are primarily police science indoctrinated persons, which includes scholars, psychologists, social workers, and even journalists; and because of the US bi-polar narrative is influenced by politicized think tanks and military grade influence operations( I myself have been stalked on Twitter and in real life by USAF-OSI, actual CIA and Israeli Mossad affiliated trolls, and even Department of Defense military contractors, who I identified using simple SOCMINT analysis , we easily see that one persons (or organized group of financially dependent parties) victim is another persons bogeyman.

Adding racialized and gendered narratives then, only further distorts the meaning of the term “equal before the law,” and casts doubt upon the facts of any case before the courts, or in the media. ANd we see a subtext of pseudo-feminist and pseudo-racial justice organizing in this way in the gang stalking discussions online, too.

From highly educated yet curiously psycho-babbling intelligence agency assets like Dr.s Tomo Shibata, Catherine Horton, Karen Stewart, and others, we see all of the NSA/CIA/FBI/DHS operatives in action, obscuring actual cases of police gangs harassing and murdering people under mountains of gibberish about electronic weapons and unscientific flat earth theories and worse.

We see former CIA operatives very close to mass shooters, like the case of Patrick Crusius, the El Paso shooter and a curious like to Dr. Robert Duncan, a failed James Randi Prize challenger who once claimed he could shoot lasers out of his eye sockets. For reference, James Randi was a magician who practice the fine art of “lying to liars,” and he famously debunked claims of “para-normal” activity, spewed by exactly these same types of people.The gang stalking dialectic really doesn’t get much more weird than these same people, who fill up online forums with complete crap about “police and intelligence agency gang stalking.”

Unlike domestic violence court judgements which follow no eveidentiary rules, nor grant trials, or like parolees subjected to weekly interrogations, there are in fact cases where the Edward Bernaysian tobacco is cut and dried, and little doubt remains about who is a victim, regardless of who controls the narrative.

As an early proponent of advocating that police use body cameras, or dissidents and activists using cameras to document police abuses across America, I myself became a target of those abuses.

So, lets take a look at the case of Ahmaud Arbery, and watch as he is murdered by a gang that had stalked him for many years, claiming that he was a gang member of some type or other), and eventually ran him over with a vehicle, and then, shot him with a shotgun as he used his bare hands to remove the threat of a gun that was pointed at him. Then, we will take a look at how certain media outlets try to “frame him” as a possible gang member, using “anonymous tips” and “video’s from police surveillance,” much of which was taken long before he was murdered, in order to see how police stalk their victims for many years, without ever charging a crime.

Then, we must ask “what is a crime,” if not stalking, regardless of who is doing it? And, we must say that in this case, the evidence of pre-meditated murder, exacerbated by stalking is fairly compelling.

First, the video, which is hard to watch:

Britanica Online explores the term further:

Victimology, branch of criminology that scientifically studies the relationship between an injured party and an offender by examining the causes and the nature of the consequent suffering. Specifically, victimology focuses on whether the perpetrators were complete strangers, mere acquaintances, friends, family members, or even intimates and why a particular person or place was targeted. Criminal victimization may inflict economic costs, physical injuries, and psychological harm.

Atlanta Black Star has followed this case from nearly the beginning, and notes that victimology is at the very center of this case, asking us to decide if a person becomes a victim of homicide before, or after their murderer is found guilty.

Unlike the millions of other cases where gangs of prosecutors, police and their associates stalk and harasss their victims for many years, in Arbery’s case, we can clearly see the outcome of what many of the online psycho-babbling crowd frequently states as the outcome of gang stalking which is “institutionalization, incarceration, or death,” stated in blog after blog, and website after after website online.

Attorneys of Father-Son Duo Ask Court Not to Let Ahmaud Arbery Be Called ‘Victim’ at Trial, Also Want Incriminating ‘No Good Deed Goes Unpunished’ Jail Calls Excluded

Posted byBy Matt Bruce | January 5, 2021

Gregory McMichael is a former Glynn County policeman who’d investigated Arbery long before the deadly shooting, according to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. He retired from the Brunswick District Attorney’s office in 2019. McMichael told police he recognized Arbery from surveillance video of a recent burglary in his neighborhood.

The McMichaels maintain their innocence and seem intent on advancing the narrative that Arbery was plotting a burglary homes when they confronted him. The motion to strip him of the “victim” label was one of 10 court filings made by the defendants’ attorneys in Glynn County Superior Court on Dec. 30 and New Year’s Eve.

Their legal team plans to present evidence that Arbery was “jogging as a cover to commit crimes,” according to a Dec. 30 notice of intent filing.

To prove that theory, they will attempt to introduce Arbery’s criminal past during trial to establish a modus operandi for acts of theft, burglary and “forcible felonies.”

The defense attorneys have requested an evidentiary hearing to have surveillance footage, witness testimony and phone recordings admitted for trial. That evidence would be used to paint a damaging picture of Arbery.

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