Eau Claire Academy lawsuits: what is “torture, child sexual abuse, child trafficking, and drugging” in the online gang stalking dialectic? Start with the travesty of exploitative US foster care, and work your way out

Child protective services and the associated “medical mafia’s” that profit from these facilities across America and the west in general, are hotbeds of “gang stalking” narratives. The kids who get caught/entrapped in these systems are purely vulnerable, and at all times exploited. Read: The sordid case of Deb Matheny in Minnesota, which involves child exploitation profiteers extraordinaire!

Related Reading: “Violence, runaways a problem at residential centers across the U.S.” is a staple of bad journalism. Instead of confronting the “medical mafia’s” journalists target abstract concepts and “official source” narratives to find truth, rather than what is readily available from the victims of these facilities, much of which expresses itself in the online gang stalking narratives.

SO, rarely, others speak up for these child victims, as we see below, from a rare MSM piece about this form of “child exploitation.”

From the Chicago Tribune, in 2014:

Erica Heshelman, a former worker at the 135-bed Eau Claire Academy in Wisconsin, warned reporters not to trust what they read in the incident reports the facility is required to send state monitors whenever a resident is hurt or put in jeopardy.[Most read] Crowd limits eased, mask mandates likely next as Illinois enters next-to-last phase of COVID-19 reopening plan Friday »

“I would say any of the IRs that you guys have are total crap,” Heshelman said of the hundreds of pages of reports filed by the center since 2011 and collected by the Tribune-Medill team.

“It’s going to be really hard for you to get the truth, because a lot of the IRs are just handed back and rewritten,” Heshelman said.

One must read bizarre narratives online with this in mind.

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