Gang stalking lawsuits: Everton Brown seeks relief from the wrong party, later goes on shooting rampage. The gang stalking program seems to drive people crazy

Everton Brown tried for many years to end his “community sponsored gang stalking,” and failing that, he went ballistic, and killed a few noisy neighbors who “liked to sing kaoraoke on Saturday’s” and worked on their house all the time.

Examining the claims that “the gang stalkers will move in next door to you,” and “wage a noise harassment campaign,” in context to a mass shooting: main stream news is now adopting the ROGS Analysis of gang stalking cases, and some are asking “Crazy or a target?“in the case of Everton Brown, whose very public campaign to end his gang stalking ended badly for a few likely gang stalkers: his very noisy neighbors from Peru. Note that I have had a bit of experience with gangs of stalkers from Peru too.

He sued for relief and lost, and lost again on appeal, for failure to show subject matter jurisdiction, or to properly “name and target” his harassers (Infragard, community policing agents, town home association members, et al.)

If you want to sue gang stalkers, you have to start at the local level, like the Pasco county FL cases, and work your way up, not the other way around. And, try not to make your claim sound so crazy that a judge dismisses it–start by using facts, and naming names, and citing evidence like wireless environment captures from free wireless signal and internet monitoring software programs like Wireshark, and inSSIDer, or “Who Is On My Wifi” that show who is on your internet connection, a frequent occurence with gang stalking situations. And, these programs provide court room worthy evidence too.

Then, other things like hidden cameras, or using dash camera footage, and other photographic evidence of your claims help legitimate law enforcement see that your case is not the type of “fake targeted individual” cases that we see so often online, perpetrated by current and former police, military, intelligence agents and their associates in the “community policing” schemes online.

Mr. Brown did the opposite of collecting solid evidence–and his claim in his filing, while getting at the heart of America’s obscure secret policing methods and legitimately asking for records under FOIA requests, his filing in fact sounds like the rambling of an uninformed individualnot a crazy or delusional person. And the government even acknowledged that some of what Brown sought to discover did indeed exist, but as in most of these bizarre cases, the evidence “could not be located,” which is another way these agencies hide the ball in these cases. Official source gas lighting. So he is clearly swatting at phantoms in his filing, and the filing mentions that exact word.

He also goes on to name the exact groups of people who do this stuff, as documented by ROGS Analysis, and ample evidence that gang stalkers are ALWAYS “the FBI and its agents, the general public, Military and ex-military,” etc. Have a look at the case of the stalking and eventual murder of Ahmaud Arbery to see a gang stalking in action by those EXACT types of people, and also the Pasco county cases, and the infamous case of eBay executives using their “intelligence black ops” wing to harass and stalk a couple of writers too.

Gang stalking is really, really bizarre, and the people who do it are indeed criminals. Here is another link to Brown’s filing:

Then, Everton Brown called 911 some 120 times over several decades, and claimed that the FBI was stalking and harassing him. The problem though, is that while the FBI is very likely to be involved at some level as we see in each and every case of manufactured terrorism and mass shooters, where the after shooting narrative ALWAYS mentions that the FBI was following these guys, , it is not the sole party invested in these bizarre stalkings by far.

Because what gang stalking is is “parallel colliding investigations,” or “intelligence led predictive policing,” in any number of gang stalking programs that pass for “community policing.” These are designed as neverending harassment of people and they are hard to litigate, because they hide behind the catch me if you can police tactic of “police investigation privileged” information, and other loopholes in constitutional law, created by judges to shield criminal police gangs and their associates that utilize “targeted individual programs” in coordination with occulted communty policing tactics, and “intelligence agency led predictive policing” which is derived dirctly from actual spy agencies and their PSYOP related methodology.

Here’s more about Brown seeking relief through “normal” channels:

Woodlawn man who police say fatally shot 3 neighbors called 911 more than 120 times, records show

In these cases, police work covertly to wage dossier driven whisper campaign about the mental health, or police history of the targeted individual, and as the Pasco County cases demonstrate, they explicitly stated that they try to make your life a living hell, until the target” sues or moves away.” Purely psychopathic policing if ever there was such a thing.

And for my money? I am willing to bet that religious proselytization, and domestic violence, or criminal slanders and smears were behind it too. Stay tuned.

Gang Stalking Case Study: Deb Matheny. Eau Claire WI “child abduction” facility and the family courts

A HUGE portion of online narratives of gang stalking involve the “school to prison pipeline,” an octopus of programs that incentivize states to use kids for profits, until those kids grow up and become prisoners in for profit prisons. All US states derive federal financial incentives to continue these practices, but other interests are indeed using children for cash all along the way, too.

Child exploitation–“its for the children” indeed.

Phrases like that above are a hot button topic, and like all “plastic words,” and phrases, is designed to polarize people’s opinion’s while never exactly defining a problem. What exactly is child exploitation? It depends upon who you ask.

Have a look here, at the case of little Christopher Bowen, reported in the main stream media. He was literally sliced open, and diced in many ways with knives, and abused in other ways that defy logic and law. His mother was his primary abuser, but she operated within a child abuse ring, which is a classic example of how actual for-profit child exploitation flies under the radar, because she did what she did in plain sight of “the authorities,” who were indeed “in on it.”

She derived multiple sources of revenue in the form of state and federal funds to abuse her child, with the full complicity of doctors and others in the medical community as they forced her eight-year-old son to have 13 completely unnecessary surgeries, and indeed, the boy endured a life of actual torture for many years because of it. He will likely suffer his entire life from the literal scars of this horrific abuse.

This is what is spoken of online as “torture”–most legitimate complaints of torture in the gang stalking dialectic use that word to describe: Fusion Center assisted computer and cell phone wiretaps; medically unnecessary surgeries that are performed on kids like Christopher Bowen; drug prescriptions that are forced upon people without their consent, and children taken into the custody of the system.

Related Story: How some Jewish immigrants like the Sackler family created the “opioid crisis” that has claimed well over 400, 000 lives in America alone. And, how they became the world’s premier public relations operatives in the medical mafia, before they plead guilty to federal criminal charges. But will they ever see a day in jail?

These “medical mafia’s” operate in every state across America, they operate with impunity, and states are truly complicit in every aspect, taking kickbacks one way or another. In the OxyContin case above, we see states set to gain either way: on one hand doctors prescribing the drug after having taken kickbacks; and on the other hand, states getting profits after the lawsuit was settled. Like the infamous cigarette settlements, the federal government and the states stepped in and effectively denied individual lawsuits, and co-opted the monetary gains in the “name of the people,” but not in fact, acting on behalf of the individuals harmed. So, the victims and the dead will not be financially compensated.

Many claims online about gang stalking are indeed related to “mental health,” if only because of the insanity of the western medical systems, and the complicity and actual conspiracy of others like that of child protection are all financially incentivized, politicized, and completely broken. They are systems designed to fail the children, but to benefit those who sell drugs, surgeries, and other products.And, at each and every preventable point along the pipeline, many of these kids, like little Christopher, are made mentally ill with “manufactured mental illness.”

Imagine that boys nightmares, as he faces a life where he will realize that his childhood was stolen. and actual memories of abuse were virtually handed to him by the child abuse ring that caused his pain? Well, at least he is not alone, right?

Gang stalking case study: What is “child abduction” and “child abuse rings,” in the gang stalking dialectic? Deb Matheny, Minnesota, Eau Claire Academy, child rape and drugging, and state fraud on the courts in foster care, and the affiliated DVIC

Deb Matheny is a mad mom, and she is all over online as a gang stalking target (search: Deb Matheny and gang stalking and Minnesota), and she does in fact provide many interesting pieces of evidence, and examples including screenshots of her devices as she is under “electronic attacks” from Fusion Center and other hackers. And she provides some evidence of how she has been cyber-stalked and harassed, by named police and others. What makes her case interesting though, is that she looks like a classic ALL CAPS COOCOO, until you dig down into it, and separate her more bizarre and colloquially expressed claims into the necessary interpretation, using ROGS Analysis.

Extra points for the fact that she is in regular contact with the FBI and its “human trafficking” narrators.

Related Story: Ma’Khia Bryant was shot dead by police in front of the foster home that was exploiting her. The “responsible guardians” were not home at the time.Child foster care in America and elsewhere is a racket, full of scumbags who exploit children for state dollars.

I have previously criticized Matheny and her group of similarly situated women who have had interactions with Child Protection Services, or with the many tentacles of state government that prey upon their children. I am not a fan of how they use language–their semantical flourishes and exaggeration do nothing to help people understand the issues, and in fact, make things worse. Examples include:

  • They are hitting me with electronic weapons! As we have consistently observed in the press and media since 9/11, and especially after Edward Snowdens revealing testimony, federal and state level actors are using an unimaginably huge arsenal of wiretap devices, internet routing schemes, and more types of “electronics” than most citizens know about. Its a huge “Catch Me if You Can” scheme of illegal, political, “investigation privileged” policing
  • They kidnapped my child! Many online claims of child kidnapping involve state “mafia’s” that work together to actually steal children. The Zappalla crime family, and the state of Pennsylvania was notoriously documented in the Kids for Cash scandal
  • The aliens have abducted my_____(fill in the blank.) This is a common claim in cases where the state steps in for guardianship of an elder, a child, or a spouse, and farms out the “health care” to sordid lots of contractors
  • Human trafficking! Child sex slavery! All of this has the ring of truth when we shift our paradigm to one where exploitation takes place in state systems.
  • Pedophiles!!! Satan!!! A huge portion of thee cases online stem from the Satanic Panic era, where the ultra-conservative factions of the FBI participated in a huge hoax, using carefully crafted media messaging, and infiltration at all levels of court rooms and social services. Here’s more about that from the Daily Beast, and their court room character assassin Kee McFarlane, and other key figures whose lives were destroyed by these sociopaths in government.
  • Who is your handler? In many narratives online, we see one or another fake TI ask another about a “handler.” In intelligence agency speak, a “handler” is someone who directs the actions of an “asset.” Matheny, and many other “targeted individuals”online are actually in frequent contact with the FBI, aka, they are “informants.” Here is evidence of that:
Source: My Story of Organized Crime, Organized Stalking, Public/Political Corruption and Domestic Terrorism on, image by Deb Matheny

Strong claims require strong evidence, and like most of the bizarre hyperbolic “conspiracy theories” online, the FBI isn’t exactly doing itself a great service to have these clowns ranting incessantly, using bizarre language. Unless….

Like all FBI and other countering violent extremism programs (CVE) online, for informant led operations, especially in the manufactured terrorism, bizarre is the order of the day, because these operations are based in “psychological operations,” aka military derived PSYOP, whose goal is to literally re-order the perceptions of the individuals they target with these “black operations.”

As such, these operations are part investigation, part “directed conversation,” i.e. a neverending interrogation of a persons narrative, and 100% illegal when brought into the disinfecting light of a court room. The lawsuits against these PSYOPs related online-offline stalkings are now coming into court rooms across the country, as we see in the Pasco county cases, and the eBay gang of stalkers, and a recent lawsuit by a so-called sex-offender who was entrapped in one of the nefarious and prolific child pornography operations run from all western nations–ALL of these cases involve “intelligence led predictive policing,” aka domestic spying under color of law, and other plainly bizarre :police investigation privilege” claims.

Do an internet search for the phrase “Eau Claire academy crime” and we begin to see parts of Matheny’s story from another angle; and this story linked, to many other peoples stories. And especially, read through this narrative where we see Satanic Panic era “child sexual abuse” claims too.

So, this case is interesting, and worthy of study for the reasons stated above, not least of which is the hyperbolic language used in her narrative.

Sarah is my 27 year old daughter, who in late 2010, early 2011, I reported as being kidnapped. A Fridley Minnesota police report exists (upon her release) as does a report to the Minneapolis FBI, prior to said release. In fact it was my acknowledgement to her (and them) that I had contacted the FBI that I believe led to the perpetrators releasing her. She was dropped off at the Menards in Fridley MN.

In her own words, read “The poet in my heart,” by Deb Matheny:

She texted me, sporadically, during this time. At first I believed her, that she sneaked these texts to me in secret, though it was my text to her that I had made a report of kidnapping to the FBI, and my belief that they read those texts that resulted in her release. I even at one point believed her to have colluded with these perps and still do, but believe it to have been fear driven. She did inform me threats to harm her family were made. The circumstances involved were strongly indicative to sex trafficking which upon our reunion, she confirmed to me. She was 23 when this nightmare began. To cut to the chase, I have always had my suspicions of people that were in her life. Older woman (40+), who were from out-state (North Dakota) as well as a random bunch of people I had little knowledge of. A person in common all these older woman had was Jodi L. Oborn Perrizo, also passed away suddenly last winter.

Ramajana Hidic Demirovic: a case of the “globalist international mafia” stopped in its tracks? A case study of women targeting young boys.

The complete right wing. police narrative infused co-option of feminism started with cases like these, covered by Keith LaBella, Esq, who was himself gang stalked” He covered this story, about a Bronfman Empire related gang stalking of female police officers:

RCMP Female Mobbing victims win $100,000,000 after sexual assaults, “suicide pool”

“Last week, while this column was speaking to how RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson’s tearful apology didn’t cut it to women on his force who have been sexually assaulted and abused by their male peers, RCMP Staff-Sgt. Caroline O’Farrell revealed her abuse was so traumatic that she was the subject of a suicide pool by fellow members of the Musical Ride.”

“O’Farrell is suing the force separately, and is not part of the two class-action suits by scores of female RCMP officers and civilians that were settled last week with Paulson’s apology and at least a $100-million payout in taxpayers’ money to the offended women.”

“In her statement of claim, O’Farrell talks about many incidents of “s–t troughing” when she was with the Musical Ride, and where she was soaked in cold water and dragged face down through the horse dung and urine in the paddock’s stalls.

The abuse reached such dimension that her co-workers launched a suicide pool, and took bets on when she would kill herself.

At each and every meaningful level, gangs of police who gang stalk citizens and other police is at the heart of the “narrative.” We see it in case after case, after case. Police in the western hemisphere are inherently corrupt, based on the psychometric and analysis of the types of people that become police. But how to report on it?

What is a journalist to do when we see that policing is corrupted by Big Pharma psychiatric met-narrative, and hidden mafias?

What is a journalist to write, when our official sources are in fact, gang members?

There are no easy answers.

But one of the easy answers among the difficult questions is this one: what social structures, and social engineering schemes allowed this nutcase serial predator to target one little boy after another? The answer might surprise you.

Start at the Jewish Centers that trained her to be what she is, and work your way up to Anti Defamation League sponsored Mossad Operations on US soil and here, and here too.)

I have no dog in that fight, but I now know who they are, and what they do, whoever “they” are. You should know, too,

Here’s more on this international darling of Bronfman klan related stalking.

Its a rare opportunity to view how the corrupt FBI and its agents for international mafias “frame” a narrative. And, allow women to abuse young boys.

Getting bent: the sordid practice of badge bending in the Vallejo, CA “Badge of Honor” club

Police who themselves are gang members are a large part of the problem known as “gang stalking.” and their practices–including extra-judicial homicides–are getting a makeover. But rooting them out won’t be pretty, because the problem is policing itself. America’s police institutions are at war, with each other.

From OpenVallejo, a story about “the badge of honor“:

Vallejo police bend badges to mark fatal shootings

They call it, “The Badge of Honor.” For a generation, a secretive clique within the Vallejo Police Department has commemorated fatal shootings with beers, backyard barbecues, and by bending the points of their badges each time they kill in the line of duty, an investigation by Open Vallejo has found. The custom was so exclusive, some officers involved in fatal shootings were never told of its existence. 

But senior law enforcement and government officials say everything changed when a police captain tried to end the practice following the fatal shooting of 20-year-old Willie McCoy in February 2019. Over the next six months, the tradition became known at the highest levels of Vallejo city government and the district attorney’s office. 

The captain who pushed for an investigation, John Whitney, would soon be out of a job. A former SWAT team commander with two master’s degrees, Whitney says he was forced out of the department after raising concerns about the badge-bending tradition and other misconduct. He filed a retaliation claim against the city in March. 

“The community we serve will lose faith in us,” Whitney told Open Vallejo. “This practice needs to end.” 

‘Kind of like a notch on the bedpost’

While reporting this story, Open Vallejo received a series of threatening emails from an anonymous account using the name, “Tariq Aziz.” Law enforcement sources believe the author is a high-ranking Vallejo official with knowledge of the badge-bending tradition. This is consistent with Open Vallejo’s analysis of the emails and other evidence. 

Tree of Life Synagogue “manufactured mass shooter” Robert Bowers: lawyer asks court to show how government monitored and harassed him online before the shooting

Accused Tree Of Life Gunman Robert Bowers’ Attorneys Want Prosecutors To Show Any Evidence Law Enforcement Monitored Him

Apr 01, 2021 · Accused Tree Of Life Gunman Robert Bowers’ Attorneys Want Prosecutors To Show Any Evidence Law Enforcement Monitored Him Robert Bowers is accused of killing 11 people and injuring many more at the synagogue in Squirrel Hill

Gang stalking lawsuits are not called “gang stalking lawsuits,” because they come in a variety of legal challenges.

Recently the Pasco County Fl cases (here, and here, and here, and here)against the county sheriff Chris Nocco have taken the spotlight because they targeted children, and actually invoke the RICO Act, which has long been floated as a way to attack these illegal policing practices.

In those cases, it is “intelligence led predictive policing (ILPP)” that is at the heart of the issue, and to give you an idea of what that means, it means this: ILPP is a massive set of tools and algorithms and on the ground practices that ALL derive directly from CIA and Big Tech programs designed for the battlefields of the middle east. And to give you an idea what that meas, it means that these programs use data from the FVEYs nations to target citizens of their own nations, so that at any given time, these programs could have access to a targets phone and computer, and send data to a squad car outside that persons house.

Or, this:

In the photo above, these cops were actually destroying their targets security camera, which is against the law. Imagine, police as destroyers of personal property? Yeah, gang stalking gets even more weird after that.

So, the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting is no doubt one of these manufactured terrorism events, where the shooter, Bowers, was likely monitored online from a Fusion Center, which is arguably a good thing. But the problem is, monitoring is passive activity, and that is not what these stories are about. Instead, it is very active, intrusive, and constant blatant surveillance and harassment-these operatives want their targets to know they are being watched.

Related Story: Coincidence, or construct? Former New York Times opinion columnist Bari Weiss was asked to leave the newsroom after her militant, rabid proselytizing zionism became too much for her colleagues to bear. Remember, it was the NYT that tried to deny claims of gang stalking back in 2016, and called it a “delusion.” So, little wonder that Bari Weiss was ALSO a Tree of Life congregant. The seed, in this case, fell right next to the tree.Who knew!?

Then, establishing that, these Fusion operatives tried to radicalize him by using psychological operations (PSYOP) that were designed by the CIA and DoD, for use in military settings. Fusion Centers actively staff such operators*.

Then, they tap into your computer in real time, and watch your computer screen as you type, as was revealed by Edward Snowden in 2013, and do a range of bizarre things that sound like “crazy” to most observers, Their tactics range from placing spyware implants on your computer and phone, to email hacking, to any of a number of other tricks, like stealing a Twitter posting, or cutting your internet connection repeatedly. It has the overall affect of inducing “learned helplessness,” as your attempts to use your own devices is stopped by anonymous asshole working from any of a number of Fusion Centers or private contractors whose activity has 0% accountability.

But wait! There’s more….much more.

In case after case of mass shooters, what we see are two constants:

  1. their online accounts ranging from Facebook, to Instagram, and Twitter–are webscrubbed and disappeared from the internet, which begs the question “if the feds and their FVEYs have nothing to hide, then why erase the evidence that led to the shooting?” And the answer to that is this: because agents provocateurs harass these guys mercilessly online, saying things every bit as bad or worse than the shooter himself, and bait them to say things that can be construed as violent. Then, the offline, real world gang stalking begins. It is really just an attack on free speech at its core.

2. In these cases, they almost never go to trial, because SWAT sweeps in and kills the guy, or because of the stiff and enhanced penalties for :”hate crimes” and “terrorism,” which precludes any lawyer from obtaining the evidence that I describe at point number one. If these guys live through it as Bowers did, they often cop a plea deal. This way, these brutal PSYOP programs of online provocateurs harassing people on social media, and gang stalking them in the real world never see the disinfecting light of a court room, and the brutal “mind war” tactics** used escape news stories of these events. Far beyond mere persuasive discourse, these programs bring psychological brutality and constant threat narratives that were designed for theaters of war, and some of these tactics are in use at Guantanamo Bay today.

Its a huge hide the ball scheme, and wholly unnaccountable to any outside monitor. Worse, it fails any and every test of the US constitution on first, fourth, fifth, 14th and more amendment grounds. The problem is though–how to get one of these cases in court and have the government produce the evidence above? The Bowers case just might do that.

*Download this .pdf from the 2018 Annual Threat Assessment conference and note the bio’s of the Fusion Center Operatives. They ALL have psychology credentials and military PSYOPs training

**WE got a glimpse of the types of absurd behavior that these police gangs are using in the case of the eBay Cockroach Cult, where eBay’s executives used their in-house intelligence units to stalk and harass a few critics, including waging PSYOPs.

We also see the absurdity of this form of policing in the case of Ahmaud Arbery, whose stalking lasted for several years, and included a failed attempt to electrocute him with a Taser two years before they murdered him. Hos “gang” of “stalkers” included two prosecutors, and current and retired police their relatives, and a neighbor.

The recent Pasco County Florida gang stalking lawsuit where cops targeted children had a predecessor: Squitieri et al v. Nocco et al, which invokes civil applications of the RICO Act

Police and sheriff’s departments across the country that use “intelligence led predictive policing” are using a model designed by the CIA and other spy agencies to target terrorists. Now, these programs target political adversaries, low level offenders, and little children–in their schools!

When I first experienced gang stalking, I was inundated with calls from the various police and firefighter benevolent associations in an area of the country where defunding a corrupt police force is on the ballot this November, as the “Yes4Minneapolis” initiative gathers steam. And so, my commentary is not ordinary commentary either, as I was in contact with Derek Chauvin and his gang of MPD on many occasions, long before George Floyd was murdered there.

In fact, I know many members of that police department inside and outside of their “gangs,” for reasons that I discussed here on many occasions. Indeed, the police union head in that area is an associate and beer buddy of the Hell’s Angel’s, and many other “bike clubs.” So I know what police gangs are too.

All that aside, a couple years before the Pasco County sheriff was sued for gang stalking children, there was another lawsuit, and it also invoked the RICO Act to try to curb corrupt police. RICO can be applied in either a criminal or civil context. The filing that came to that gang stalking sheriffs department before others sued is Squitieri et al v. Nocco et al, and it reads like a story written in the last century in a dystopian totalitarian eastern bloc nation. But it’s not an ancient tale of Stalinist repression: it’s modern gang stalking in the USA.

Police harassing residents, and failing in their harassment, locking them up under the “Baker Act” aka a 5150, or mental health evaluation. Using helicopters to hover over peoples houses all day and night, or hovering those same copters over a “body farm” to terrorize students; and many more bizarre claims, that until just a couple short decades ago were unthinkable in any civilized democracy, but that are now common news stories. These cases are indeed bizarre, and just describing them can make a listener wonder which is crazier–the story teller or the cops doing these things.

Its not a small list of plaintiffs either, as it invokes the civil RICO Act against memmbers of that sheriffs department “gang.” From


alleges upon facts and belief as follows: I. SUMMARY OF CLAIMS This is a Civil RICO claim which requires Plaintiffs to demonstrate that the Defendants have engaged in a “pattern” of misconduct (called “racketeering” under the RICO statutes). A Page 4 of 228 27 PageID 619 “Pattern of racketeering activity” requires that at least two acts of racketeering activity are committed within ten (10) years of each other. The Civil Action for RICO is defined in 18 U.S.C.A. § 1964 (c): “Any person injured in his business or property by reason of a violation of section 1962 of this chapter may. . . recover threefold the damages he sustains and the cost of the suit, including a reasonable attorney’s fee. . . .” Section 1962 has four (4) subparts and generally prohibits the use of income obtained from a pattern of racketeering activity or through collection of an unlawful debt to purchase, establish, operate, or participate in the affairs of any enterprise in interstate or foreign commerce. Florida’s RICO Act mirrors the Federal RICO Act.

Read more from the docket here:

Ahmaud Arbery’s mother files one million dollar criminal conspiracy lawsuit: Gang stalking lawsuits are not called “gang stalking lawsuits”

Just after the US federal government filed hate crime charges against the “gang” of men who “stalked”, and murdered Ahmaud Arbery, his mother Wanda Cooper-Jones filed a one million dollar lawsuit alleging conspiracy and coverup. These gang stalking lawsuits are NOT about the money, they are about bringing this practice of “gangs of police” and other cockroaches into the light.

Regardless of anything–anything–at their heart, gang stalking cases are policing gone wrong, and all of it involves over-reach and illegal activity on the part of the police. In the Arbery case several prosecutors refused to prosecute it as a homicide, because it was in fact a case of illegal police gang stalking, and an actual coverup occured. other words, gang stalking IS actual conspiracy at each and every level, and this lawsuit seeks to prove that.

In every way, we see the full power of the state directed at the powerless, which is pretty bad, but accenting that are secret gangs of police and their associates who act as vigilante’s. In Ahmaud Arbery’s case, reports state that these police and prosecutors targeted and stalked him for many years before they finally murdered him. AT one point, two years before they killed him, they also tried to Taser him without any provocation whatsoever.

And–that was an actual conspiracy, not a “conspiracy theory” at all. To have irresponsible psychologists popping up in the media and calling gang stalking “delusional” helps exactly no one, and as we see with Dr.s Lorraine Sheridan, David V. James, and Christine Sarteschi running cover for illegal policing tactics only perpetuates these ACTUAL conspiracies, and psychologists are indeed “in on it” as they participate in this practice. Have a look at Dr. Mike Woods blog to see him gaslight and deny that cases like this exist, and gets his ass solidly handed to him too, by actual victims.

Forbes–the worlds premier money magazine– asked attorney Lee Merritt, who is representing Arbery’s mother Jackie Cooper, what does money have to do with the case? And the answer is quite surprising.

So, to answer the question “who finances the gang stalkers,” lets look closer at this case, and the money problem of policing.

The Money Story Behind Police Power: Civil Rights Attorney Lee Merritt Explains

Morgan Simon

In a country equally driven by its politics and its economy, there’s always a money story behind the story. So what does money have to do with effective policing and police accountability?

Friends in “high places”: Pasco Sheriff Chris Nocco flaunted access to power, highlighting the problem of “the Jesus” and sheriffs department gang stalking

In the Tampa Bay Times series “Targeted” we get a glimpse of how sheriffs departments are using gang stalking to “harass targeted individuals until they move away or sue.” These departments are all over the USA and they act with brutal impunity–until now.

This has been enabled across the country because Jewish-christian’s –or those who have co-opted that label–do not believe in law, or civil rights, or due process. Using a system called “intelligence led predictive policing” these people have placed CIA and other intelligence agency designed and engineered technology at every internet switch, and every street camera.

A system which is so nefarious, invasive and bizarre that only window ledge slobbering voyeuristic deviants could have designed it. And now, they have invaded the public schools, and are in fact, using these technologies to track our children. What kind of deviants target and harass children? The same great minds that distribute child pornography to every corner of the globe with an urgency that belies ullterior motives. We must ask ” why–and WHO is doing such dirty deeds in order yto achieve WHAT purpose? The Multi-Alphabet agencies and their Hydra’s and Medusa’s of psychological operators in the FVEYs scheme are doing it, with little doubt, that’s who.

So, when we examine who targets children–and why they do it–we discover entire hidden industries that exploit children inn a variety of sickly, creative ways. There was the Kids For Cash scandal, and the movie that documented it; and every day across western nations we see this kind of child exploitation, which causes any rational observer to wonder : why do naked kids on film produce more outrage than ” sliced, and diced and medicated, and deliberately made-dyysfunctional kids, who have been used and abused by international medical mafias?”

Well, lets peek at the hypocrisy in the wizards of spin, in an otherworldly Oz, for one example of a “gang stalking lawsuit” from Pasco County Florida, USA. These people are exploiting children at the most vulnerable level–in their own homes:

The man behind the machine

Pasco Sheriff Chris Nocco built a controversial data-driven approach to policing. He also built a wide circle of powerful friends who don’t question his tactics.

Pasco Sheriff Chris Nocco was once asked under oath how he had landed two high-level posts in state government.

“It was the connections that I had made,” he said bluntly.

“I mean, you didn’t have to like go and interview along with a hundred other people to get the job or anything?” an attorney pressed.

“No, ma’am,” he said.

Later that month, he told a reporter: “I’m very blessed to have friends that are in high offices.”

Keith LaBella Esq. was the first to suggest applying the RICO act to “organized gang stalking.” Now, a trend in which we see the Pasco County lawsuits invoking RICO, and a host of other constitutional violations

Keith La Bella Esq., writes over at www.gangstalkingismurder,, and he was the first person to ask that we apply “RICO” statutes to gang stalking cases. Unlike “do-nothing”ultra-right organizations–and likely stalkers– like, LaBella’s efforts are now paying off. The statute designed to police “mobsters”, “mafia’s” an other “gangs” is now applicable to “police gangs” who use intelligence led, predictive policing to harass people.

Keith La Bella is well known amongst genuine targeted individuals, because he is one himself, unlike these liars and frauds listed here, and here, who ramble on incessantly about “directed energy weapons, cell phone tower brain zappers!! aliens, and ghosts!!!” and who threaten lawsuits like Targeted Justice, but never sue anyone. These frauds all share the commonality of being retired spies, cops, and others associated with those fields, and manage to squash all that electronic brain zapper crap into the first paragraph of every so-called lawsuit they file, guaranteeing that they will not be taken seriously by any court anywhere. These groups are an offshoot in every way of President Ronald Reagan’s morality crusades–the war on drugs, the war on porn, etc.

Related Story: arch conservatives are known for double talk ad gibberish. Have a look back into the dark ages at Reagan’s War on Porn

But here below is one of the first lawsuits targeting sheriff’s departments and others who targeted children, brought forward by the Institute for Justice. These lawsuits invoke the RICO Act statutes, and a handful of other civil rights violations , and, none of these actual gang stalking lawsuits mention brain eating aliens, or mind reading locusts–go figure.ANd none of these lawsuits have yet targeted these other forms of child abuse, but those are coming soon.

From the Tampa Bay Times, the series Targeted chronicles these first of their kind lawsuits:The U.S. Department of Education has opened an investigation into whether the Pasco school district broke federal law by sharing student data with the Sheriff’s Office. [April 19, 2021]

While these are the first of their kind to reach main stream news coverage, many have come before them, and LaBella’s lawsuit was the first to discuss these abuses and invoke RICO statutes. Here is the docket filing from 2011 for his lawsuit against the FBI, and here is a bit more about his request, and its results, and LaBella himself writes here. Note that his Freedom of Information Act request to the FBI and other organizations netted an interesting result: of the cases of stalking reported, some 13% included three or more perpetrators, a statistic that is substantial, and widely circulated in the TI community.

My problem is documenting “gangs of police, and their affiliated stalkers,” not merely sorting out the garbage blogs and videos from the real cases of gang stalking. If ever we saw how democracy is undermined, it is BY these retired police, and their agencies. So, because organizations like Targeted Justice are big budget, their form of gibberish gets higher rankings in Google, et al.

They even feature the same ultra-right wing “mind control” psychobabbling suspects such as failed James Randi JREF Dr. Colin Ross who claims he can shoot laser beams out of his eye, and Dr. Robert Duncan, former CIA. It is these crackpots with agency connections that have stopped any progress on this issue since the height of the Satanic Panic era of the Moral Majority.

The FBI created Infragard, a secret and secretive group of over 80.000 people who work in strategic positions like IT, and corporate leadership management, etc, spying on citizens, and creating secret dossiers which they pass around, in order to skirt the rule of law. This type of activity is routine in nations that have foregone the rule of law, and to have this secretive group doing this at the bidding of the FBI reveals that no one in that organization believe in the rule of law, due process, or civil liberty, no different that so called totalitarian police states or”communist nations.”

So, we see that police in the west are in fact, no better than communists by practice, and definition, and we see that clams of democratic rule of law are hollow, having been gutted and cooked by these same persons. But it isn’t communists that did this in the west–it is religious fascists whose apparently incredibly insecure and not-quite-all-knowing God demands a police and surveillance state. Faith indeed.

Even communist nations abide by the rule of law. And that is a significant statement, considering that western governments have co-opted the meaning of freedom as “religious freedom” while destroying every right and civil liberty enshrined in western constitutions. They have enshrined hatred of communism as their catalyst for world domination, which has now been turned inwards on their own people. The FVEYs spy apparatus, augmented by constant threat narrative PSYOP (and its black operations) is what underlies all of these claims, and the fake TI’s who endlessly spew disinformation surrounding them are just layers of fat.

Its time to cut it out.

Also read Where’s the Intelligence at the CIA,” as torture pornography produced during for the global elite’s 1% war in Iraq is dubiously shuffled around between agencies, hiding the ball from Congressional oversight.

The tale of the C.I.A.’s torture tapes grows longer, more twisted and interlaced. The list of question grows apace, too.

What part did members of Congress play? When were these tapes showing C.I.A. agents inflicting pain on their captives destroyed? Who destroyed them? On whose orders? What were the motives for doing so? Or is this yet one more C.I.A. ruse? We are dealing here with an institution of habitual mendacity.

Gang stalking lawsuits: The US Attorney AND the FBI are starting to take gang stalking seriously. Comes now the case of Ramajana Hidic Demirovic, indicted progressive political operative

As I have documented repeatedly for over five years, much gang stalking flies under law enforcement radar because it is organized gangs of female stalkers doing it, and we see evidence of that everywhere. There are “gangs” of women at all levels of institutions, and the story below gives us a glimpse of a refugee, cum disapora survivor, cum now -indicted felon. ROGS predicts that the “un-named associate” is Demirovic’s daughter.

“Writing about me may not be the best idea. People love happy and cheerful stories, and mine is sad.”

Ramajana Hidic Demirovic, quoted in “OVAKAV KAKAV JE – DOBOJ VISE NIJE MOJ GRAD” a story about her life as a refugee from Madeline Albright’s “women’s war” in the former Yugoslavia

At all levels of narrative, we see the woman below used by media, and used by profiteers in the various “disapora community” narrative, and at ALL levels of the pseudo-feminism of “women’s empowerment.” But we also see her climbing the precarious ladder of the American political scene, carefully “handled” by political operatives.

UPDATE 6/”13″/2021: I have added to my thoughts about this case and you can read that here. Demirovics is part of what I call the Internet Movie Data Base Gang of Stalkers, and many of those that I encountered in my research are indeed listed in the IMDB, These bizarre stalkings included former Playboy bunnies, and Filipina “single mothers. Read the update for more information.

And now, Demirovic’s is probably going to jail because of that training by very wealthy, deep state affilliated political operatives, and the associated sense of entitlement, immunity, and impunity. Gang stalking is a predatory, multi-level marketing scheme, and women like Demirovic are both its products, and its services.

Related Story: Getting in on the booming industry of Diaspora! Now, thanks to Mother Courage and her Wagon, you can find a Diaspora APP on Google! Look in the “forever war” section, and ignore the spyware inherent in such a diabolical scheme, and ask yourself: who would be stupicd enough to use these APPs? Yup….immigrants who do not know any better….

That Pattern Repeats Itself In Nearly All Gang Stalking Cases: the politics of gang stalking, a primer

Quite famously in the Virginia Tech shooting, and in the Ten Thousand Oaks shooting, we saw both Democratic AND Republican political operatives on the scene or near it; the Las Vegas Mandalay Bay shooting had this guy from Australia “move in next door” to the alleged shooter, or the Scott Bierele (R) and the Talahassee Hot yoga shooting where he blasted some caps in his stalkers (D), and in many more cases that this is so.

And, women abound in these cases and in the pre-and post-ballistics of mass shootings–see the DeWayne Craddock-Virginaia Beach case for one excellent example– and other odd events, but also, we only notice these events, because they are extreme outliers, when in fact, women’s violence rules our society, and men just don’t speak up about it–women like Demirovic barely know what hit her as she was used by political operatives, and probably didn’t think she hit anyone either, because she was merely “stalking, cyber-stalking, and trying to destroy some young boys lives.” No violence there, right ladies?.

But hit her they did, and hit her they should, across several continents, for several decades, whoever “they” are.

US Attorney’s are starting to take these cases seriously, because these stalkers are dangerous, organized, and fly under the radar-most of the time, and it is often women doing the online cyber-stalking and tasking other community resources to the offline real world stalking, led by one or another “intelligence led predictive policing” for profit scheme, most prevalent in the stories where a “the shooter was accused of domestic violence !!!!”narrative….accused, but NEVER CONVICTED….why is that exactly? Yup. Kangaroo courts and their counter-constitutional basis have a lot to do with it.

In the case below, note how the indicted female stalkers stated goal is to ruin a boy’s life, by lies, coercion, manipulation, and deception, because he had dated, and rejected someones daughter. Geez….I can’t imagine why anyone would reject such good fruit, from such good trees, lol.

Comes now the case of indicted stalker Ramajana Hidic Demirovic, soon to be convicted stalker, or plea-copper, and her “associate.” And look at the claims made in the indictment, as we see indeed that everything you read about in the claims of stalking victims are mirrored to the letter, which I will highlight in bold type below:

‘Permanently damaged’: 46-year-old San Francisco woman allegedly cyberbullied three boys for years

Joshua Bote, SFGATE

Documents filed in California federal court allege that Demirovic told the boy that she would “rip [his] f—ing heart out.”  The boy had dated a girl connected to Demirovic for a few days in February that year. 

Nearly five years later, Demirovic, who now lives in Brentwood, was charged in federal court Monday for two counts of conspiracy and cyberstalking in an effort to “sabotage the personal relationships, social reputation, academic life, and work prospects of the teenage victims,” per the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of California. She was arrested last Friday.

The charges were announced Monday in a statement from Acting United States Attorney Stephanie Hinds and FBI Special Agent in Charge Craig Fair.

Soon after the initial incident, court documents allege Demirovic began targeting another boy who her “co-conspirator” dated for about two months. In August 2016, she allegedly sent a barrage of text messages, calling him an “awful human being” and telling him that she would file a false restraining order against him in an effort to affect his college applications.Months later, Demirovic and the teen girl reportedly called the boy’s employer and school principal to falsely report claims of physical abuse, drug use and alcoholism. The principal prohibited Demirovic from entering the campus following the suspicious contact.

Women’s stalking in western societies traps boys in cycles of abuse that destroy their lives, and echo the worst practices of primitive societies, because this simply does not exist in more evolved societies where educational opportunity, and social equality are the norm, not the exception. Women in Jewish-christian-Islamic societies serve the purpose of being on one hand, gatekeepers of social narrative, and hence the highly gendered narratives of domestic violence; and on the other, operate AS gangs, exactly as we see above in every podunk town across America.

So, high numbers of females involved in prosecuted cases of “gangs of stalkers,” is the norm, not the exception, as saw in this recent case that received media attention.

In the past, white women’s groups ranging from the altRight neofeminist stalkers of the Nikki Craft crowd*, and Melissa Farley, to the poison squads of the Ku lux Klan Kamelias frequently worked their poisonous trade with the help and encouragement of law enforcement agents, retired police, military, and even deep state and actual intelligence agency assistance. Here’s more on these toxic, gangs of stalking women from Maggie McNeill.

But gangs of women now occupy multiple levels of society and its institutions, and indeed, form gangs. In the story above fr

Its as if the entirety of white female power and privilege have vested their resources in one thing, and one thing only: making sure that when a gang stalking case–or any other sordid crime– DOES make news, it is always brown, black, and other women whose names are attached to the headlines. But that’s a start.

What makes this indictment so tasty though, is the stalker herself, and her credentials. A short bio includes that she got her training at Jewish Community Centers, was educated in Indiana, University of Bloomington…. into “political science and international business, and spent a few years working for institutions like the World Affairs Council, where I was in the function of organizer of honorary and donor functions….I was in a position to organize meetings with many ambassadors, consuls, and businessmen from all over the world…..I started working at San Francisco State University as director of marketing….I was….employed in a large environmental campaign that was funded by the governor of California….” etc., including a Master’s degree in Modern European History…finishing a PhD. in Holocaust studies…”

Lots and lots of “etcetera” in these cases indeed. And, ROGS Analysis predicts that too. Gang stalkers think they are immune to prosecution, because of their political ties and other associations, but they are not.

Its about time that agencies started looking closer at these cases to notice patterns, and develop new profiles. While this indictment looks like a one-off, it’s not: the political history of this “diasporess”is riddled with missing links, and political alliances that for now, remain hidden, but complicit.

Ramajana Hidic Demirovic indictment:

*I have admiration and a lot in common with many feminist icons, but for some reason I cannot identify with their hatred of men, and their gender biases, extreme narratives, and flaunting of their privilege–that they merely forego allegiance to one group of patriarchs in favor of another group of patriarchs, as Horseshoe Theory predicts. I think that is because they are all affiliated with the ADL, a toxic, racist group of very mean Jews, who act as shepherds to their various tribal/herds after these women have foresaken their own bloodlines, and male lineage,;and that most of them are merely golden cows, or something like that.