Blaming the Chinese/Russians/bad guy du jour for western democracies rampant surveillance state and security contractor corruption problem: Anne Marie Brady gets gang stalked in New Zealand

The Anne Marie Brady case in New Zealand in 2018 brought a lot of attention to how wealthy, well connected people in western democracies use gang stalking, aka security contractors and others, to target their critics, while gas lighting the public at large and allowing blame to fall on the Chinese.

When gang stalking hits the main stream news, it looks a lot like this:

Suspected sabotage of car belonging to burgled professor and China researcher Anne-Marie Brady

16 Nov, 2018 12:00 AM

 Anne-Marie Brady, professor at the University of Canterbury. Photo / Supplied
Anne Marie Brady, professor at Canterbury University

And, journalists who cover gang stalking cover it like this, from Suzi Dawson:

The Anne-Marie Brady case is the most high profile recent example of politically-motivated targeting in New Zealand. Brady’s claims are precisely in step with, and validate past claims myself and other New Zealanders have been making for years. Our experiences foreshadowed hers as if they were mirror images: vehicular sabotage, thefts of electronic equipment, home invasions, surveillance, harassment and other types of psychological targeting methods employed against us by these agencies and their subcontractors.
Dozens if not hundreds more victims would be found if anyone in the NZ media took the leap into the rabbit hole.
I applaud and am relieved for Brady that she has been able to create a bulwark of public support where many other targets are simply written off as crazy or met with a wall of disbelief and silence.

I got news for ya: it ain’t the Chinese, bro’s and sistah’s, its your own people doing it, and yes, the police, working at the behest of wealthy players are allowing it to happen to you, and indeed are complicit in it.

The history of western intelligence agencies breaking the law, is long and bloody, illegal and paranoid; and gang stalking is just a part of the whole shenanigans. Just a blink of the eye before our current crisis of privacy, we saw the NSA sabotaging Crypto AG in 1995 with all of the “bizarre” activity you might expect.

Fast forward to the lawless post-9/11 era, and western intelligence outfits and billion dollar “security contractors” have become–to paraphrase Viktor Frankl “everything they hate” about their purported enemies, and worse.

And here is what gang stalking looks like, and note the “electronic harassment” involved:

University of Canterbury professor Brady, who gained international profile over the past 18 months for her work exposing China’s influence campaigns – including in New Zealand – was subjected to a series of mysterious break-ins at her home and campus office in February.

These burglaries, apparently targeting electronic media including phones, computers and USB drives, sparked high-level interest with the Prime Minister expressing concern, and the Police began a nine-month – and still ongoing – investigation involving Interpol.

Look: maybe if western “democracies” had any real checks and balances protecting the weak from the powerful, or any shred of democracy protecing the marginalized, the dissident, or the activist from our own people’s religionist mob rule, and against the rampant abuse of those of us who use “words” instead of weapons to maintain democracy–maybe then the CCP’s soft force diplomacy, actual on the ground and very active daily capitalism, and ultimately safe society; and the Russian Oligarchy where Edward Snowden fled after becoming a whistle blower wouldn’t seem so “free” when compared to that western mess.

But clearly, what we are seeing in gang stalking is the western democracies crumbling due to their own lawlessness and mob rule, and established communist countries and policies widely appealing to those at the margins of the tribal-sectarian, anti-democratic crypto-theocracies–the pseudo-democracies of the west.

Feel free to shoot the messenger, but I have caught more than your shrapnel-and caught a few scummy spies, too. But the Chinese are not Ms. Brady’s problem. As Suzi Dawson clearly implicates the willingness of western FVEYs nations to allow their puppeteering oligarchs free reign to terrorize same-nation citizens:

What neither Mrs Brady nor her supporters seem aware of or willing to address, however, is that her work didn’t just shine a huge light on China. It focused directly on the same political network that was implicated in the Dirty Politics scandal of 2014. From Brady’s now-famous research paper:

John Key, Judith Collins, David Wong-Tung – these are very familiar names. Brady seems unable to acknowledge that by exposing many questionable connections between China and New Zealand, she is not just exposing the Chinese.
She is exposing New Zealanders. Very well connected New Zealanders.”

For my part, I remember a time when the Chinese were much loved in the FVEYs nations: remember that time when…

Rigggghhhht. Know your place, Chinaman! The “good people” of the west just love you when you know your place in “their” societies, can I get an Amen!?

Wheeeew. I’m glad that’s not my mess to deal with. But you can write to journalist Suzi Dawson if you are curious to follow this “gang stalking in the main stream news.”

Suzie Dawson

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